Training Bird Dogs with Ronnie Smith Kennels


A few years ago we sat down with our friends, Reid Bryant and Brian Grossenbacher, with the goal of creating a book to give bird dog owners additional insight into the minds of the dogs they live with. It was our intention to share our experiences training dogs over the years and to provide people with detailed information about the training system that our family has devised after decades of training animals.

From picking and raising a puppy to following our step-by-step approach to dog training, our entire training system and philosophy is set out for you in this book!

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A few years ago we sat down with our friends, Reid Bryant and Brian Grossenbacher, with the goal of creating a book to give bird dog owners additional insight into the minds of the dogs they live with. It was our intention to share our experiences training dogs over the years and to provide people with detailed information about the training system that our family has devised after decades of training animals.

From picking and raising a puppy to following our step-by-step approach to dog training, our entire training system and philosophy is set out for you in this book!

A few years ago we sat down with our friends, Reid Bryant and Brian Grossenbacher, with the goal of creating a book to give bird dog owners additional insight into the minds of the dogs they live with. It was our intention to share our experiences training dogs over the years and to provide people with detailed information about the training system that our family has devised after decades of training animals.

From picking and raising a puppy to following our step-by-step approach to dog training, our entire training system and philosophy is set out for you in this book!

“There is joy in every moment with a bird dog. Seek that joy, cultivate an appreciation of what each individual bird dog is, and enjoy how marvelous a relationship with a bird dog can be. You will be hooked on bird dogs forever. The journey of training never ends.”

Contained in our book is insight into dog behavior and a comprehensive step-by-step guide to how to train your dog using the Smith Method of Training. The book walks the reader through each step in a successful bird dog's life; from puppyhood to formal training to hunting. Our proven training method is described in a step-by-step recipe that you can use to train your bird dog. Training concepts are illustrated with the well-known photography of Brian Grossenbacher.  

Whether you are looking for a guidebook to train your own dog or have a dog that has been trained using our methods and want to be a better dog handler, we think you will find a lot of useful information in this 256 page book!

Plus your book will be signed by Ronnie and Susanna!

Click here to take a look inside the book!

Smith Kennels provides trainers, owners, and dog handlers with the most refined, developed, and proven methodology for training a pointing dog. The Smith family has spent two generations working thousands of dogs through a stair-step method of replicable techniques that result in a bird dog that is well adjusted, confident, and driven to fulfill its potential. Training Bird Dogs with Ronnie Smith Kennels shares that tradition of excellence and insight with a broader public.

A great bird dog is a combination of great genetics, optimal exposure to game, and proven training. This book provides clear, concise lessons that enable owners and trainers to see their dogs as individuals and maximize those individual talents. Yet the lessons go deeper too, illuminating frequent mistakes and the process for correcting them. Written with a keen understanding of how owners go astray, this book allows even a first-time owner the opportunity to work through the phases of training a bird dog. From developing a confident puppy to introducing live birds, this book is an essential reference for both bird dogs and their owners.

  • Publish Date: October 01, 2019

  • Format: Hardcover

  • Category: Pets - Dogs - Training

  • Publisher: Universe

  • Trim Size: 8-1/2 x 11

  • Pages: 256

  • US Price: $45.00

  • CDN Price: $60.00

  • ISBN: 978-0-7893-3679-8

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